Weird Wedding #10: You May Now Kiss the Walrus
Because it is freshly 2008, and because we at feel we didn’t get a chance to sufficiently mock things ...
Bridezilla Dream Destinations: Hong Kong
A recent Vegas vacation has reminded us how those of the native Asian persuasion have a proper respect for delicious ...
The One Mode of Wedding Transportation That You Can Whip
Just kidding, we keep our whips in the bedroom! White Christmases and Aisle Dash have us thinking about that grandest ...
Bookzilla Review: Shopaholic Ties the Knot
It has been said that Shopaholics are merely a singleton strain of Bridezilla, and we were inclined to agree-until this ...
Bridezilla Finishing School: The Egalitarian Invitation Address
Now that the dust has settled over the hyphenation issue, there is a new “what’s in a name” quandary posed ...
Bridezilla's 22 Best New Year's Wedding Tips Ever
1) Go somewhere exotic. Why? The only thing more festive than fireworks, is foreign fireworks! You’re already thinking outside the ...
Wednesday Name Brand Pronunciation: John Galliano
John Galliano Pronunciation: john gal-ee-ah-no The scarf you need for easy Parisian chic. From his knockout French Revolution-inspired first collection ...
Bridezilla Reviews: A Thousand Days In Venice, by Marlena De Blasi
We love a good escapist romance, at least outside of the fainting women and swashbuckling men bodice-ripper genre. There’s nothing ...
Ten Tips For Living With Ten Husbands
Via Aisledash, here’s a heartwarming story of a woman so addicted to being Bridezilla that she got married ten times ...
May Meets December When King of Miramax Weds Design Star
This weekend in weddings: Marchesa co-designer Georgina Chapman weds movie mogul Harvey Weinstein. While Harvey gained a stunningly gorgeous and ...