Bridezilla Spotting: Check out this wild Bridezilla Picture!


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In honor of Bridezilla season starting again (December being the most popular engagement month) we are going to be showcasing candid Bridezilla shots of Bridezillas in the wild. Send us your most eye-bulging, teeth-clenching moments and get them featured on Cathartic for you, comedic for others! Email [email protected] with subject “Bridezilla Picture.”

Bridezilla Bonus Tip:
Leave your caption ideas for this picture below!

13 thoughts on “Bridezilla Spotting: Check out this wild Bridezilla Picture!”

  1. What a FUNNY pic!!! I am sure that she was ready to throw that at someone…bless her heart. Beautiful girl…Wonder where she gets that temper. HILARIOUS!!!

  2. This is my matron of honor in my wedding! And I was in her wedding and was TOTALLY NOT a bridezilla!! She is amazing!! But back to the point….the picture reminds me of a reception hall that went wrong…..wrong colors, wrong music, wrong set-up and the bride has HAD ENOUGH and she snaps!! 🙂

  3. After our wedding, I told her I had a very large 7 digit life insurance policy…I went to the bathroom, came out, and she was attacking me!!! lol, just kidding!!! Love you baby!

  4. I said my chair covers were supposed to be black and white not silver and white. What do you mean you can’t get this dress altered in time? I mean what is wrong with you people? It’s my day and I will hurt you. You understand? haha.


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