Wedding Inspiration


5 Wedding Social Media Sites You Should Tweet About


You’ve been on Facebook since 2004, back when it was “just for college kids.” Your Twitter blows up daily thanks ...

3 Ways to Edit Your Wedding Photos


Your wedding photos will last a lifetime.  And now that these glamorous shots of the big day are circulating Facebook ...

Swoon List: Was The Tassimo Awe-ssimo?


I’m many things. A bridezilla. A lover of Mexican food. A frequenter of Banana Republic. I’m also a super coffee ...

World's Most Expensive Television: Yes, It's Diamond Encrusted


Love is all about compromise. Especially when it comes to the TV. You want a sparkly new something: Kate Spade ...

First-Ever Marriage Hunting Bra Unveiled


Bridezilla has seen our share of bad wedding ideas: denim wedding dresses, Star Wars reception themes, mini-skirt wedding gowns… the ...

Bridezilla and MIL: Match Made in Heaven or Hell?


Finding Mr. Right thankfully didn’t involve an epic search for me. Meeting him was like walking into a shoe store ...

Bridezilla Dishes About New Set Your Table Tool


Our friends at Bloomingdale’s and just dished out the coolest table setting tool. If you ever went to a ...

Bridezilla Site of the Day: Bridal Guide


Need a break from The Knot Mafia? So does Bridezilla! For all-encompassing wedding advice minus the industrial feel, we like ...

Bridezilla Presents The Sexiest Technology For Your Back Pocket


We may be Bridezillas, but we’re obviously bloggers, too – and life on the internet means an awareness of the ...

The Finer Things in Life: Reinventing The Mall


Destination weddings? Absolutely, if they come along with destination shopping. Suburban malls start to lose their luster once you’ve been ...