Funny Caption Friday: Happy Memorial Day!


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Ahhh….summer. Margaritas. Strappy sandals. Gelato. Dining al fresco.
Can’t you tell we’re about to head out on our fabulous ‘zilla Memorial Day weekend? Let’s kick off our favorite season with a funny wedding photo. Bridezillas, let the snarking begin! Comment with your captions.

Funny Wedding Photo of the Week: Old Man Zilla

We can’t wait to grow old together.
Honey, wait. Let me take my teeth out
Only a few more months until I’m a millionaire.
Have a great start to summer!

2 thoughts on “Funny Caption Friday: Happy Memorial Day!”

  1. Well, if this is bride and groom, he must be rich.That’s how old rich people get single ladies that have a lil un-seeable face-lifts 🙂


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