The Bridezilla ranking system of life importance goes something like this: 1. the wedding, 2. fashion, and 3. chocolate. We talk a lot about the first two here, but where’s the love for that most delightful of sweets? It’s right here, lovelies. Read on for a peek into the natural sugary stimulants that keep us going when nothing but 74% cacao will suffice.

La Maison du Chocolat: it’s right there in the name, ladies, a whole house just for French chocolate. Like us, these are both tasty and expensive. We favor the Champagne Truffles, which combine two things we like a lot: 1. champagne, and 2. truffles. Bridezillas never claimed to be complex in our desires, okay?

We discovered Donnelly Chocolates on our hunt for the perfect wedding favors, and well – let’s just say that the favors wouldn’t stay long on the table if we had that kind of temptation sitting around on our wedding day. We like the box of assorted chocolates and truffles the best, especially because ordering it meant checking the boxes marked “Include alcohol” and “Include Spicy Pepper.” Honey, you won’t get that kind of excitement from Russell Stover.

As if the daily ventis from Starbucks weren’t enough, now we can get chai in our chocolate bars, too? We’ve followed the organic movement to Dagoba Chocolates, purveyors of said chai chocolate bars, but we’d recommend the Alchemist’s Blend for first-timers. We find the Lavender and Lemon Ginger bars particularly soothing after a long hard day of haggling with florists and/or caterers.

Ordinary grocery store chocolates? Perish the thought. But when your monthly luxury budget derailed at the Bluefly sale and you’ve got a chocolate craving that just won’t quit, stop by the bourgeois godmother of grocery stores: Whole Foods. There, you can pick up a Five Star chocolate bar or two without breaking the bank. Thicker than your average anemic impulse aisle chocolate bar, Five Stars are rich enough to kill your craving in just a few bites.
It’s about time someone showed that Stover jerk who’s boss.