There are certain indignities one has to deal with in early life – public school, Wal-Mart, suburbia. One of the worst, however, has to be the dreaded economy class flight. After racing to arrive on time, you have to deal with long lines (so unacceptable in heels), seats that squish even the most size four of hips, and flat soda and stale peanuts to keep you sustained as the tiny child across the aisle wails its displeasure at the world. Well, Bridezilla says no more! When it’s time to take your honeymoon, don’t even think about bookending your one or two weeks of bliss with the sardine crush of discount airlines: consult Bridezilla’s honeymoon destination-friendly list of the very best luxury airlines to keep you well-rested, fed, and tended to just as a Bridezilla should be.
Swiss Air: Zurich-bound Bridezillas will love the first-class cabines for their dining and technology options – you can relax with a fine meal from top Swiss chefs without losing touch with your entourage via Swiss Air’s telephone, internet, and text connections. Scheduling the first post-honeymoon girls’ brunch before you’ve even landed? We love it almost as much as the first-class bathrooms stocked with La Prairie products.
Eos Airlines:(pictured above) 21 square feet of personal space for each passenger? We’ve had city apartments that didn’t feel that spacious. Fashionably late Bridezillas headed to London will appreciate Eos for their standard passenger arrival time – a mere 45 minutes before departure, with curbside meeting and an escort through security if you manage to be late with even that generous time allotment. Once you’re on board, count on cashmere blankets and Bose noise-canceling headphones to keep you comfortable and relaxed as you stretch out on the 6’6″ bed in your suite. Fly Eos? Hell, we’d live there if we could.
L’Avion: This shockingly low-fare all business class airline puts the emphasis on fine dining and fabulous service for passengers from New York to Paris. The fine selection of French wines and champagnes will keep you appropriately sated after a four-course meal; from there, simply recline back and enjoy luxury for less expense than you’d incur from the first-class cabins of most standard airlines. Unfamiliar with either city? Visit their site for fantastic tips on where to sleep, shop, eat, and more.