It’s Bridezilla instinct to avoid any shops with “mart,” “barn,” or “outlet” in the name – especially when it comes to food. Sure, it’s a feeling you can ignore when lured by Last Call or the Rack, but when it comes to the low-cal cuisine you let grace your table, the local downmarket chain just isn’t going to cut it. We say go gourmet or starve!
Trader Joe’s: The prices aren’t insane, and we like the small family atmosphere TJ’s has, with the great selection of local wines and fresh-cut flowers. When we get the urge to toss a salad or two, this is where we head for organic veggies and well-cut meat. Sure, it’s not as glossy as we usually like our…everything, but we like the vibe there. (Don’t tell, but we sometimes even visit our local farmer’s market.)
Whole Foods: Our hearts beat faster for the time-saving deli selection, perfect for quick lunch stops or the occasional rushed dinner. And, like with the variety of gentlemen Bridezilla sampled before settling down, we like the selection of free samples to tempt us into impulse macaroon purchases, or simply satisfy the urge with a taste or two. We’ve never been cooks, but we find the recipe section killer – no one but us will know that we didn’t really learn about selecting the best antipasto while summering in Italy.
Dean & Deluca: Their physical stores are located somewhat randomly (Charlotte, NC? Leawood, KS? Tokyo?), but they’re worth a visit if you’re local. Serving fine coffee at their smaller outposts, Dean & Deluca also boasts a handful of gourmet grocery locations. We love the crowded Soho store best for the packed-full dessert counter and excellent selection of cheeses, but if there’s no store near you, fret not: you can shop online for all their best, like classic Black and White cookies.