Wedding News

Bored? Monday Bridezilla Bites


We almost didn’t post this, considering “Speidi” doesn’t need any more publicity and Spencer already won Bridezilla of the Year, ...

Get Ready for Sandal Weather and Win a Free Gift from GildenTree


Spring has sprung! Are you ready to unveil your springtime toes? There’s nothing worse than itchy heels that resemble an ...

7 Wedding Planning Books Every Bridezilla Must Read


My name is bridezilla and I’m a wedding book nerd. As a bridezilla, writer, and long-time member of the literati, ...

Bridezilla Friday Photo Fun: Vintage Wedding Pics


We’re obsessed with vintage photography. Digital just doesn’t do it for us. Travel back with bridezilla and take a look ...

Monday Bridezilla Bites: It's Spring!


It’s Monday and spring has finally burst onto the scene in bridezilla land. Here, bridezilla bites al fresco and a ...

Warning: Major Diamond Recall


Dear Bridezillas, Recently on April 1st, a very naughty Groomzilla nephew took over and posted a recall notice for diamonds, ...

Monday Bridezilla Bites


Happy Monday! Celebrate with our small plates and bachelor-party poll. First things first, bridezilla wants to boast a little. We ...

You Might Be a Bridezilla If… (Part Two)


21 Signs You’re a Bridezilla 1.) You got your wedding gown before the engagement ring. And it came from Milan. ...

Bridezilla Broadcast: New Harajuku Lovers at!


Bridezilla broadcast: summer fashion has officially arrived! On an otherwise dreary Monday, we were ecstatic to find out that ...

The Five Stages of a Bridezilla


Anyone who has been around an anxious bride-to-be knows it can be a little bit like tiptoeing through a mine ...