Wedding News

Bridezillas Get a Discount for Wedding Salon, Beverly Hills


Beverly Hills bridezillas should head over to Sunset Blvd. on September 22 for an exclusive Wedding Salon event. LA ladies ...

Think Outside the Hyphen with New Nuptial Name Change Trends


Let’s assume for a moment we all consider the tradition of adopting your husband’s last name to be on par ...

BookZilla Review: Queen of Babble Gets Hitched


Summer reading is supposed to be like a hot summer fling — easy, fun and purely for entertainment. Queen of ...

15 Quotes that Toast Bridezilla Behavior


When it comes time for toasts, don’t be surprised if your maid of honor quotes a sickeningly sweet love sonnet ...

Diamond Rings: Are Modern Trends Cheapening their Luster?


The purchasing of the diamond ring used to be synonymous with a little blue box, a girlish squeal, and a ...

Remote, Sexy Honeymoon Resort Photos-A to Z


A. Aitutaki Lagoon Resorts, Cook Islands.

Bridezilla Ballot – Yea or Nay?


Bridezilla’s mantra is “It’s my day.” But soon-to-be brides are letting their guests weigh in on the details with wedding ...

The Best Bridal Accessory Right Now: A Fun Attitude


Ditch the dreary prom pics (hand on waist, check. strained smiles, check) The newest wedding pictures are all about brides ...

A Beautiful Modern Wedding Bouquet


Bridezilla recently attended a friend’s nuptials, and just couldn’t help gushing over this gorgeous bouquet. From the trendy cut roses ...

Weddings of the World: Get Married in Space, and More


Bridezillas are citizens of the world, so check out this round-up of wedding news from around the world. Where no ...