Wedding News

Look for the Zilla Symbol in the Sky: Bridezillas at Wedding Salon Gotham Hall


Ok, so Bridezilla is still working on rigging one of those bat symbols to bare our infamous lip print, but ...

Bridezilla Bejeweled: Win a $100 Jewelry Gift Basket from Dasha Boutique


January is the peak engagement month, which means most Bridezillas are in the throes of wedding planning come April. If ...

Monday Bridezilla Bites


An Oklahoma Bridezilla wins a Cabo honeymoon via an arm wrestling championship. Read the full story here for inspiration at ...

Domestic Policy: Are Dreams the New Dowry?


Lately Bridezilla has been wondering if the modern marriage has really evolved, and the string of political scandals lately only ...

Free Bridal T-Shirt Friday: Customized and Complimentary!


What could be better than a totally free no-strings-attached bridal tee? A free bridal tee that’s actually adorable! Scribbly stick ...

Calling All Bridezillas! ABC News Wants Your Wedding Stress Story!


Good afternoon Bridal Beauties! We have some big news here at BZ HQ! At last, Bridezillas are being offered the ...

Monday Bridezilla Bites


A big shout-out to our honorary Bridezilla pick from the red carpet last night, Miss Marion Cotillard. A vision in ...

Sexy Little Bridesmaids Gifts from Babeland


In honor of Valentine’s Day, we at Bridezilla thought we’d skip the typical scented candle and charm bracelet round-up and ...

Bridezilla's Meg Ryan and Moping-Free Guide to A Sweet Single Valentine's Day


Recently, Bridezilla asked her Groomzilla what he believed single women do on Valentine’s Day. Without missing a beat he replied, ...

Bridezilla's Fave New Bridal Shower Beverage: The Barracuda


If this bleak winter has your craving foamy, fruity and perfectly chilled (mmm) bridal shower beverages, look no further than ...