Wedding News

Wedding Flick Of the Week: Sex and the City Movie Trailer


If this music doesn’t put a shiver down your spine on this festive Friday, you’re wearing some serious cashmere. Here ...

Triathlons by Tiffany: Bridezilla on Fierce Finishers Jewelry


Bridezillas should never be mistaken for trophy wives, and we’re really not much for medals either. But factor in the ...

Wednesday Name Brand Pronunciation: Salvatore Ferragamo


Salvatore Ferragamo Pronunciation: sal-vuh-tor fair-uh-gahm-oh Just add sand, oceans, and a coconut daiquiri. When we were nine years old, we ...

Seven Little-Known Facts About Miss Z


We were recently tagged by The Bridal Wishlist with the following meme: 1. Link to the person that tagged you ...

The Very Best Wedding Registries


It’s common knowledge that Bridezillas aren’t wild about surprises, whether they’re in the form of your caterer notifying you at ...

Monday Bridezilla Bites


If holiday shopping is making your usually-fabulous face go unattractively Grinchy, ease your worries with’s Holiday Hot List of ...

The Best Bridesmaid Gifts For A Holiday Wedding


Don’t give your girlfriends some cheap trinket with their name scrawled across it – Bridezilla, darling, you’re better than that. ...

Bridezilla Dream Destinations: Thailand


If your daily lunch menu includes pad Thai, tom yam, sticky rice, and anything made with coconut, you may have ...

Bridezilla's Very Own Ticking Time Bomb err, Wedding Countdown


Wedding Countdown Timer provided by Bridal Guide Naturally, when it comes to your wedding, you want your groom to move ...

Wednesday Name Brand Pronunciation: Lanvin


Jeanne Lanvin Pronunciation: zhan lan-vinh The perfect bag for shopping, working, dating, existing. Whether you’re a fan of classic Lanvin ...