Wedding News

Something New, Something Blue: The Wedding Bell Bikini Wax


In honor of Bridezilla’s rockin’ “Something New, Something Blue” special, we are reviewing fresh new ways to flaunt your bridal ...

Bridezilla Reviews: TrueBrideConfessions


Bridezillas bare their souls! And who better to create a no-judgment bridal confessional than Romi Lassally, Features Editor of the ...

Bridezilla's #1 Nemesis: Rebecca Mead, Marriage Muckraker


Sigh…it is a known fact that each moment of Bridezilla’s life is a study in unsurpassed brilliance. And yet, it ...

Bridezilla Ballot: Are you Over Silk Ribbon Bows on Wedding Dresses?


Are you over the silk ribbon waist bow on wedding dresses? Yawn, yes! No, still sweet! free polls

Something New, Something Blue: His and Hers Fragrances


Right now, enjoy Bridezilla’s fierce new special “Something New, Something Blue,” focusing on fresh new ways to express your bridal ...

Bridezilla Spotting: Bona Fide Bridezilla


Congratulations Miss Maggie Downs of the Desert Sun newspaper! After reading your article on wedding planning this past Sunday, we ...

Bridezilla Embraces Non-Traditional Honeymoon Destinations


Maybe it’s the summer heat speaking (probably it’s the summer heat speaking), but the longer we think about it, the ...

Bridezilla Gives Back: Donate Your Old Bridesmaid Dresses


A key identifier of any bridezilla is her keen fashion sense, we all know that. But a little-known fact about ...

Bridezilla Goes Beyond Church Weddings


If you’re going for a secular ceremony, or even just waffling on your choice of churches, you’re probably already considering ...

Bridezilla Dream Destinations: Lake Como


You know it, even if you’ve never heard of it. From setting the glamorous scene in Gwen Stefani’s music video ...