Wedding News

Bridezilla Responds to Groom Groove "Dealing With Bridezilla"


Well, well, what have we here? It seems the boys over at Groom Groove have been busy-busy forming opinions about ...

Diamonds aren't the only things that last forever


He’ll never be able to take this one off! Now that you’ve got him in your net, keep him there ...

Bridezilla Q & A with Bridal Guide Expert


Q: Hi, my name is Alicia and I am getting married on August 25th, 2007 at 5 p.m. So far ...

Top Ten Signs you are too young to get married


One of Bridezilla’s pet peeves is brides getting married while they are still wee fledgling zillas who’ve yet to taste ...

The Bridezilla Guide to Bouncing Back from a Broken Engagement


One thing that both pains and puzzles Bridezilla is the way people treat canceled weddings with a level of sorrow ...

Tom Cruise wins Coveted "Bridezilla of all Time" Title


Short Man Syndrome rears its head, wedding style! When it comes to bridezilla behavior unleashed, no one can compete with ...

Photos of the Bridal Boudoir: Fierce or Too Far?


Via, we have been informed of a brand new horror storming the Bridezilla nation. Known as “anticipation photo shoots” ...

The Bridezilla Hall of Fame: The Most Misunderstood Brides of All Times


1) The Bride of Chucky. She brings him back to life. He totally blows her off. Topping our list of ...

Here Comes The Bridezilla!


According to Philosophy, “the first rule of marriage is to marry yourself before you ever marry someone else.” Bridezilla agrees! ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#1


Bridezilla Must-Have #1. This BCBG dress. This fabulous dress is literally indispensable for any bride and especially bridezillas. Gorgeous, flowy, ...