Wedding News

The Bridezilla Guide to De-Stressing


It’s not easy being Bridezilla! From the scheduled-to-the-bathroom- break calendar to your bipolar bridesmaids, what’s a Bridezilla to do? The ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#2


Bridezilla Must-Have #2. A Right Hand Ring. While it is true bridezillas do often marry billionaires because we are so ...

Tom Cruise: Bridezilla of All Time


Short Man Syndrome rears its head, wedding style! When it comes to bridezilla behavior unleashed, no one can compete with ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#3


Bridezilla Must-Have #3 Essential Bride Literature. Forget all the “Best Bridal Bargains” and “Dirt Poor Wedding Planning” propaganda. Those are ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#4


Bridezilla Must-Have #4. Spanx. Possibly the most amazing invention of the 21st century, spanx are like spandex, but for brides ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#5


Bridezilla Must-Have #5 A Blue Tooth Headset. We at bridezilla believe in grabbing technology by the ear and making it ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#6


Bridezilla Must-Have #6. One knockout pair of heels. In truth, nothing makes bridezillas feel more confident than some sensational foot ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#7


Bridezilla Must-Have #7.An exceptional body scrub. A wise bridezilla once said, you can catch more flies with vanilla-mango-sugar-almond scrub than ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#8


Bridezilla Must-Have #8.Soothing eye mask. No bridezilla can live without good beauty sleep, and with all the incessant yammering of ...

Top Ten Things Every Bridezilla Needs-#9


Bridezilla Must-Have #9.An awesome pair of over sized sunglasses. Sure, the scrawny granola twins at your yoga class can gossip ...