Worst Bridezilla Tantrum Caught on Tape: Shanteca, the Thumb Sucker


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Typically, we take a parental approach to the bridezilla tantrum: ignore, ignore, ignore. Despite popular belief, our precise bridezilla definition does not include childish outbursts. But once in a rare while, there’s a bridezilla tantrum too good not to mention. As seen in the snippet below, our favorite new bridezilla: Shanteca, the thumb-sucking bride.

We don’t even like to see smoking brides, gum-chewing brides, or inebriated brides – thumb-sucking brides has to be a new low. First, Shanteca throws a hissy fit when one of her bridesmaids dyes their hair and forgets to get the bride’s permission – somewhat understandable. But her behavior takes an unseemly turn when she starts sucking her thumb after an argument with Michael (soon-to-be Mr. Thumbsucker).

So, Freudzillas, is this gross oral fixation normal or not? According to Thumb Sucking Adults (yes, there is a support group) many adults suck their thumbs, including celebrities Courtney Love, Madonna, and even Twiggy. Ostensibly, thumb sucking is nothing more than stress release. But no bridezilla here will ever resort to such uncouth, stress-reducing measures – a cold cocktail and bath will do. Should our Thumbelina bride get help or is this a normal reaction to stress? Vote below!

Should Shanteca See a Psychologist ?
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4 thoughts on “Worst Bridezilla Tantrum Caught on Tape: Shanteca, the Thumb Sucker”

  1. I suck my thumb and know of MANY adults who still, secretly, do. It’s time we all came out and got this wonderful, cheap, legal tension relieving habit accepted!

  2. She looked really dumb and he’s stupid for wanting her. Her husband could probably have any woman he wants and he chose her……WTF for?


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